April 4, 2014

4th & 5th Grade - March 30, 2014

March 30, 2014

Dear Families,
            If someone asked you to describe God, what words would you use, what music would you play, or what picture would you draw?  That is what we asked your children to do today in Kids Zone.

            We searched the Bible to find how God describes Himself and how others would explain Him.  Here is some of what we came up with.

            Isaiah 6:3  God is Holy (separate, sacred)
            Malachi 3:6 God cannot change
            Psalm 116:5 God is gracious righteous, and compassionate
            Deuteronomy 4:31 Merciful (gives us good things that we don't deserve)
            Isaiah 40:28 God is the creator, and He is everlasting (He had no beginning and has no end)
            John 3:16 God is loving (not so much feeling as act of the will apart from feeling)

            It would be wonderful if you took one of these Godly traits each night, at the dinner table or before bed, and talked about them.  Look them up in a dictionary for greater clarification, and think of ways to personally show these characteristics.  And parents watch for your children to display them and let them know how pleased that makes you.

Happy Spring,
Your Kids Zone Teachers
            Nancy and Severn