March 23, 2014

4th & 5th Grade - March 16, 2014

Dear Kids' Zone Families,

We have just finished our study of the Gospel of John and are now beginning a series of topical lessons based on questions some of the children have asked. The children have asked some wonderful questions about God and the Bible that we will enjoy answering over the coming months!

Because all of our answers will be coming from Scripture, the first lesson will be on what the Bible is and how we use it.  We will be teaching the children that all of the Bible is God's inspired word for us and that the Bible shows us that we need God to save us.  We will also be giving them some practical instruction on how to use the tools in their Bibles such as a concordance!

The memory verse this week is 2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."

We would love for you to show a Bible with a concordance to your children this week and see if they remember how to use it!

Thank you letting us partner with you to disciple your children,

Nancy and Severn