January 12, 2014

4th & 5th Grade December 7, 2013

Dear Kids Zone Families,

We have been going over the I AM statements in John and seeing how Jesus proved them to be true through his miracles.  Jesus showed that he was the bread of life when he multiplied the loaves and fishes.  He illustrated that he was the light of the world when he gave a blind man sight.  This week we will look at one way in which Jesus proves he is the life and resurrection.  Jesus states that he came to give us life in the memory verse for the week:

John 10:10  "A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy; I came to give life, life in all its fullness."

The very chapter after Jesus says this, he demonstrates it is to be true in the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead.

This week, please find a few minutes to help your child with the memory verse, John 10:10.  We would absolutely love it if you could talk to your children about why you trust Jesus came to give us life!

Thank you for letting us partner with you in teaching your children about God's Word.  We hope you are all staying warm!

-Nancy and Severn