January 12, 2014

4th & 5th Grade January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014

Dear Families,

We have been looking at Jesus last important words to His disciples. The disciples are confused, troubled and sad by what Jesus is saying. He has told them that He is leaving them. They have given up everything to follow this great teacher and future king. They had expected an important role in Jesus future kingdom. They had not expected that He would leave them. Jesus seeks to comfort them by telling them where He is going and He promises to send a special helper to guide them in their life.

In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus makes it clear that if a person wants to be with God, they must follow Jesus. If a person wants to know truth about God, they must get to know Jesus and if a person wants to experience life forever with God they must believe in Jesus.

In John 14:16 Jesus says, I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever.”

Jesus clearly tell the disciples that they will not be left alone, but will have a Helper from God who will be their partner and assistance them as they live their life and continue to give the message of Jesus to the world.

These promises are for us today as well. Take some time this week to talk with your children about where Jesus is (with His Father and our Father in Heaven preparing a place for us), and if they know how to follow Him there someday (John 14:6) Ask them if they would rather have Jesus here on earth with them, like the disciples did, or if they would prefer His Holy Spirit living within them? (There is no right answer). Talk with them about how the Holy Spirit can help them today?
Things are building to the climax of John's Gospel with the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Thank you for faithfully each week reviewing these lessons with your children to reinforce the great truths in God's word.

Nancy and Severn