September 10, 2012

4th & 5th Grade September Lessons

September 2, 2012

Dear Parents,
     Kids Zone is off and running and we are excited to see you and your kids each week and to learn from God's word.
     As much as it depends on you, please make sure your children get a good night sleep on Saturday and a good breakfast on Sunday so they will be able to focus and enjoy the morning.
     Our study this year, for the 4th and 5th graders is "To Be Like Jesus". The first two lessons teach that we are created in God's image for His glory. We want each child to understand that they are created with characteristic and abilities like God's character and abilities and that they are to use these characteristics to bring God glory.
     Here are some of your children's ideas:
     Since God is good and perfect, they could bring Him glory by being helpful to a new student, a shy student or a student from another country by showing them around the school, or playing with them at recess.
     Since God is just and righteous, they could bring Him glory by taking turns at school, sharing, and not cheating in games or on they work.
     Keep talking to your children about ways they display the image of God at home, or school to bring God glory.
thanks for partnering with us,
Teachers Nancy and Severn