September 10, 2012

1st - 3rd Grade September Lessons

Sept. 8, 2012

Dear Parents,

Welcome to a new Sunday school year!  We want to touch base with you and let you know what's in store this year.  Once again, we'll be combining the 1st - 3rd graders in one class and will be meeting in the Growing Place room for the whole time.  (No more switching back and forth between rooms!)

It will be beginning to look a lot like Christmas as we start our lessons this year.  The lessons are a chronological teaching of New Testament stories so that does mean the birth of Jesus comes first!  (If you hear any Christmas carols being sung just remember there is a reason.)  Below are the lesson titles and the Scriptures we'll be using with them.  We hope you will ask your kids what they learned each Sunday and make sure we're doing a good job teaching them.

Sept. 9--God hears Zechariah's prayer and promises him a son.  Luke 1:5-25

Sept. 16--The coming of the Savior is announced.  Luke 1:26-80; Matthew 1:18-25

Sept. 23--Good News of great joy!  Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-38

Sept. 30--Family Celebration.

We will also have memory verses but will be working on them in class this year.  We realize that most of your children will also be attending Church Time so will be studying THE STORY along with you.  We want you to be able to put more time and attention into those lessons.  Do ask them to recite the memory verse though, as practice, practice, practice puts it in their heads and hearts.  The verses we will be working on this month are Luke 1:18-20.

We're excited to meet everyone tomorrow.  See you soon!

Thom & Liz Jordan